The exhibition, curated by Eva Menzio and born with the intention of creating an homage to Alighiero Boetti, comprises of about ten works from 1967’s « Senza Titolo » to « Donnine », dated 1990.  Few works, but all of great importance will be presented: the « Planisfero Politico”, 1969-70, an archetype of the famous mappe, the precious and rare Embroiderydedicated to Sandro Penna (1977), the design and collage of 1979, the two Lavori Postaliand the great Embroidery, both dated 1989. 
A brief biography of the artist, based on the very detailed work by the Archivio Alighiero Boetti, to whom we are grateful for their courtesy and availability, will introduce the exhibition.



Park Palace

27, avenue de la Costa

MC 98000 Monaco


Opening times

21 JUNE - 20 JULY 2018


Monday: 15.00 - 18.00

Tuesday - Thursday: 10.00 - 19.00

Friday: 10.00 - 15.00